This Hindi app offers a vast collection of famous couplets (dohas) from renowned poets, providing insights into their philosophies of life. Explore the wisdom of great thinkers, including Sant Kabir, Rahim, Tulsidas, and more.
Sant Kabir, a weaver and social reformer, penned profound dohas filled with meaning and teachings. His belief in the oneness of God, despite diverse names, is central to his work.
The app features:
- Kabir ke dohe
- Rahim ke dohe
- Tulsidas ke dohe
- Ramayan ki chopai
- Hindu Slokas
- Niti and Shashtra
- Kabir Vani
- Niti Sutra
- Bihari ke Dohe
- Sant Ravidas ke Dohe
- Dohe aur Muhavare
...and much more!
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What's New in Version 1.0.8 (Last updated Aug 15, 2024)
- Bug fixes.
- Completely offline content – no internet connection required.
- Read and listen to inspiring couplets from Hindi literature for daily motivation and spiritual peace.