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CBT Exam Browser - Exambro

CBT Exam Browser - Exambro

  • Application Description
Enhance exam focus and deter cheating with the CBT Exam Browser - Exambro App. This app is designed to create a distraction-free environment for students taking online exams. Key features include: secure test server access via URL or QR code, restriction of other applications, prevention of screen captures and dual-screen usage, disabling floating apps, and convenient zoom functionality. A user-friendly menu, a top-right corner timer, and custom user agent options further enhance its effectiveness. The Pro version offers an ad-free experience. The CBT Exam Browser-Exambro App provides several key benefits: - **Unwavering Focus:** Minimize distractions and prevent access to other apps, keeping students fully engaged in their exams. - **Cheating Prevention:** Reduce cheating attempts by disabling features like dual-screen viewing, screenshots, and floating applications. - **Effortless Server Access:** Easily connect to the exam server by entering the URL or scanning a QR code. - **Customizable User Agent:** Utilize a custom user agent to ensure secure and controlled access to the exam server exclusively through the CBT Exam Browser. - **Intuitive Navigation:** Enjoy a simple and user-friendly navigation menu for seamless exam experience. - **Premium Features:** The Pro version offers an ad-free interface, and a prominent timer in the top-right corner aids in effective time management.
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CBT Exam Browser - Exambro Screenshot 1
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