The official FőKERT (MAIN GARDEN) tree and park cadastre is now accessible through the BP Fatár app. This app also includes cadastral data for several districts: I, VI, X, XI, XIII, XIV, and XVIII.
To use the app, simply navigate to your location of interest on the map. Clicking on map points, lines, or surfaces representing cadastral elements will open a data sheet providing details and photos of the selected item.
A powerful search function is integrated:
- Search for tree species using either Hungarian or Latin names.
- Search within park cadastre categories.
Search results display the locations of all matching cadastral elements on the map.
Users can report issues (damaged trees, benches, etc.) directly to the relevant data manager via the "Error report" button on the data sheet.
What's New in Version 1.5.2
Last updated October 20, 2024
Bug fixes.