Fueled by Insanity is a captivating mystery/horror visual novel following Jeffrey, an anxious yet cheerful fox, and his new friend Ted. Their journey involves reconnecting with old friends, potential romance, and a dark twist when Jeffrey dreams of a kitsune offering a life-altering choice. Will he trust this dream and confront his past, or forge his own path? Sarah's stunning artwork enhances this thrilling adventure. Download now and decide Jeffrey's fate!
Features of Fueled by Insanity:
- Engaging Mystery/Horror Story: Play as Jeffrey and unravel mysteries alongside his new friend, Ted.
- Emotional Connections: Reconnect with friends and family, experiencing heartwarming moments and potential romance.
- Unique Dream Sequence: A captivating dream introduces a mysterious kitsune and a challenging proposition.
- Stunning Artwork: Beautifully crafted character sprites and CG art by the talented Sarah.
- Life and Death Choices: Your decisions impact the lives of those around you, leading to perilous situations.
- Supportive Community: Explore more of Sarah's art and connect with fellow fans who appreciate Fueled by Insanity's artistry and storytelling.
Experience a thrilling journey of mystery, horror, and emotional connections in Fueled by Insanity. Sarah's stunning visuals bring this world to life. Make impactful choices as you navigate danger, protecting yourself and those you care for. Join a vibrant community and download Fueled by Insanity for an unforgettable adventure.