Embark on a magical adventure in the enchanting world of OZ magic school! A captivating journey awaits as a magic girl receives her acceptance letter. Join her, Robin, and other magical companions as they unveil a mysterious quest.
Discover a new castle story filled with exquisite costumes, stunning makeup, and enchanting accessories. Transform your character into the most beautiful magic fairy! Engage in magical classes, experiment with costume combinations, and explore meticulously crafted scenes. Your exploration will never be dull!
Unleash your creativity in a free-dressing mode. Dynamic outfits, charming animations, expressive faces, and a diverse wardrobe await. From delicate eyebrow and eyeshadow makeup to stunning dresses, hairstyles, and accessories, design the perfect look for your dream magic girl. Create a unique personality through DIY makeup and clothing choices.
Craft your own magic business cards, conquer opponents in magical showdowns, and break the witch's spell. Attend magic classes to learn new spells and enhance your magical prowess. Create magical accessories in your workshop to boost your power.
The magic door is open—begin your magical adventure!
- Fun magic cultivation and magic girl dress-up.
- Create beautiful looks with diverse makeup options.
- Design the perfect outfit and engage in magical showdowns using unique cards.
- Learn powerful spells in magic classes.
- Craft magical accessories to enhance your magic abilities.