Moonlight Castle is an immersive visual novel blending slice-of-life, supernatural, horror, mystery, and romance. Follow eight college students as they investigate a haunted castle, balancing daily campus life, friendships, and the secrets hidden within ancient ruins after dark. Multiple paths and choices directly impact the narrative, leading to diverse outcomes. Explore seven unique character routes, each offering a distinct perspective. Select from SFW or NSFW romance options, with the SFW patch providing a less explicit experience. Support Team Eclipse on Patreon for exclusive updates and early access to builds. Download Moonlight Castle now and begin your captivating journey!
Features of the App:
- Diverse Genres: Moonlight Castle masterfully combines slice-of-life, supernatural, horror, mystery, and romance for a uniquely engaging storyline.
- College Life Simulation: Experience the daily lives of eight college students, navigating classes, friendships, and the mysteries of a haunted castle.
- Multiple Paths and Choices: Your decisions shape the story's outcome, influencing character fates and uncovering the truth behind the ancient ruins.
- Seven Main Routes: Explore the narrative from multiple angles with seven distinct character routes, revealing hidden secrets and deeper story elements.
- Romance Options: Enjoy both SFW and NSFW romance options, catering to various player preferences. The SFW patch offers a family-friendly alternative.
- Support Team Eclipse on Patreon: Support Team Eclipse on Patreon to contribute to the game's development, enhancing quality, assets, and professional involvement. Patrons receive early access and updates.
Moonlight Castle delivers an exciting visual novel experience, seamlessly blending genres, immersive storytelling, and impactful player choices. The college life simulation, multiple routes, and romance options create a captivating journey. Supporting Team Eclipse on Patreon not only contributes to the game's growth but also unlocks exclusive benefits. Download Moonlight Castle today and embark on a thrilling adventure!