Experience the captivating world of Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince, now available on mobile! Following its December 2023 Nintendo Switch release, this seventh installment in the beloved series invites you to play as Psaro, a young man cursed by his father. This curse prevents him from harming monsters, compelling him to become a Monster Wrangler.
Unraveling Psaro's Story:
Psaro, the antagonist of Dragon Quest IV, takes center stage in this title. His journey to overcome his curse and become the Master of Monsterkind unfolds in the magical land of Nadiria, a world where dynamic weather and changing seasons impact gameplay.
A World of Monsters:
Recruit, train, and fuse over 500 unique monsters to create powerful allies. The environment itself influences which monsters you encounter, ensuring constant discovery. Expect a diverse cast of creatures, from adorable to bizarre.
Ready to Embark on Your Adventure?
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince offers a thrilling experience, including the Mole Hole, Coach Joe’s Dungeon Gym, and Treasure Trunks (DLC from the console version). Test your monster team against others in the Quickfire Contest mode for daily stat-boosting rewards.
Download Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince now from the Google Play Store and embark on this epic monster-wrangling adventure! Stay tuned for our next article on Pokémon Sleep's Good Sleep Day With Clefairy.