Hyper Light Breaker features seven crucial resources vital for gear acquisition, permanent upgrades, enhanced survivability, and character roster expansion. This guide clarifies how to obtain and utilize each resource effectively. Resources are conveniently stored in the inventory menu's items tab for easy tracking.
Bright Blood, the most common resource, is earned by defeating enemies, destroying objects, and opening crates in the Overgrowth. Selling gear to Hub vendors also yields Bright Blood.
Uses for Bright Blood:
Gold Rations are earned by completing Cycles. Early game Cycles involve dying four times, depleting all Rezes. Afterward, an NPC at the Hub's Telepad requires specific materials to reset the Overgrowth, progressing towards Gold Ration acquisition.
Gold Rations are key to meta-progression. Use them at Pherus Bit in the Hub to unlock permanent upgrades. They also unlock new vendor services in the Hub.
Abyss Stones are obtained by defeating Crowns, challenging bosses accessed via Overgrowth gates. Prism collection (locations marked with yellow diamonds on the map) is a prerequisite for Crown battles.
Similar to Gold Rations, Abyss Stones are meta-progression resources. Use them during loadout confirmation to upgrade Sycom stats and unlock new characters.
Keys are occasionally found in unmarked small containers within the Overgrowth.
Keys bypass Overgrowth barriers, granting access to Stashes and other containers. They also unlock Labs, subterranean areas with enemies and loot.
MediGems are crucial for obtaining Medkits, earned by interacting with glowing flowers in the Overgrowth. They're used at the Hub's Telepad and Overgrowth Shrines.
Medkit capacity must be expanded to one using a Gold Ration at Pherus Bit in the Hub before MediGems can be used.
Cores, another meta-progression resource, are found in Stashes (marked with chest icons) and by combining four Core Shards. Shards are earned from enemies that drop Prisms (yellow diamond markers) and unmarked objects.
Cores upgrade Sycoms during loadout confirmation, improving Breaker stats.
Materials are primarily obtained by using Bright Blood to open chests (often marked with gems) in the Overgrowth. Selling gear in the Hub also yields Materials.
Materials are used to purchase gear from Hub and Overgrowth vendors, functioning similarly to Bright Blood but with more limited applications.