Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds Celebrates 777 Days with New Village Mode and Events!
The Ghibli-inspired mobile RPG, Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds, is marking its 777th day with a major update packed with events and rewards. This anniversary update introduces a significant new feature and a plethora of opportunities to earn in-game goodies.
The highlight is the Kingdom Village mode, allowing players to build and expand their own village by defeating monsters, gathering resources, and reaping various buffs and items. A special login event running until July 31st provides a Rare Higgledy Hiring Certificate, offering a head start in this new mode.
Multiple events coincide with the anniversary, offering a range of rewards:
While the significance of the number seven for the Ni No Kuni franchise remains unclear, the anniversary marks over two years since the game's release, making it a milestone worth celebrating!
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