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Nikki Beach's Flowing Fashion Statement

Author : Violet
Jan 19,2025

This guide details how to acquire the Specific Skirt, a key item in a game quest. This beautiful skirt, perfect for blending in with Faewish Sprites, is surprisingly easy to obtain.

Specific SkirtImage: ensigame.com

The quest requires this skirt for its camouflage properties; its fairy-tale design is ideal for the task. Forget dungeon crawls and monster battles—the skirt is readily available at the Marques Boutique.

Where to find Specific SkirtImage: ensigame.com

The boutique's location is shown below (marked in red).

Marques Boutique LocationImage: ensigame.com

Marques BoutiqueImage: ensigame.com

Upon entering, speak to the vendor and select the option to view the full inventory. Navigate to the shorts section (the skirt is categorized there).

Marques Boutique InventoryImage: ensigame.com

Specific Skirt in InventoryImage: ensigame.com

Purchase the Specific Skirt and return to the quest-giver to complete the quest and receive your reward: a thematic hat!

Quest Completion RewardImage: ensigame.com

For help finding another quest item, the Specific Dress, check out our other helpful guide! Remember to save up your in-game currency for this purchase.

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