Hideki Kamiya, renowned game director behind classics like Okami, Devil May Cry, and Bayonetta, embarks on a new chapter. After a two-decade tenure at PlatinumGames, he's launched Clovers Inc., a new studio dedicated to fulfilling a long-held ambition: an Okami sequel.
A Dream 18 Years in the Making
Kamiya's passion for Okami is well-documented. He's publicly expressed his desire for a sequel, viewing the original's narrative as unfinished. His new venture, in partnership with Capcom (the original publisher), finally brings this vision to life.
Clovers Inc.: A New Beginning
Clovers Inc., a joint venture with former PlatinumGames colleague Kento Koyama, pays homage to Clover Studio, the developer of the original Okami. The studio currently boasts 25 employees, prioritizing a shared creative vision over sheer size. Many team members are former PlatinumGames employees who followed Kamiya and Koyama, reflecting a unified creative philosophy.
Departure from PlatinumGames
Kamiya's departure from PlatinumGames, where he served as a co-founder and creative leader, surprised many. While he remains tight-lipped about the specifics, he alludes to differing philosophies on game development as the driving force behind his decision.
A Softer Side?
Kamiya's online persona is known for its sharp wit and sometimes blunt responses. Recently, however, he's shown a more empathetic side, apologizing to a fan he previously offended and engaging more positively with his community.
The upcoming Okami sequel represents a significant undertaking for Kamiya and Clovers Inc. The project's success hinges not only on its development but also on the team's shared passion and creative synergy.