Unlocking Achievements in Marvel Rivals just got more challenging! This guide focuses on obtaining the "Ruined Idol" Achievement by destroying the Bloodstorm One statue. While some Achievements are straightforward, this one requires navigating to a specific location.
Defending Strategy: The easiest way to find the Bloodstorm One statue is while defending on the Central Park map in the limited-time mode. Alternatively, try Quick Play or Competitive. Locate the graveyard; the statue is at the path's end, through a wall breach near Dracula's Castle doors. Simply attack the statue with your hero until it breaks. Return to the lobby to claim your achievement. Note: While easier defending, abandoning a match carries penalties.
Attacking Strategy: Locating the statue while attacking is more difficult. The castle doors are before the first checkpoint, and enemy encounters are inevitable. Don't prioritize the statue immediately; focus on the match's objective. Help your team reach the first checkpoint (which involves rescuing Ratatoskr). Once that's complete, focus on winning the match to access the statue and claim the achievement.
Successfully destroying the Bloodstorm One statue earns you the "Ruined Idol" Achievement. For more Marvel Rivals strategies, check out our character counters guide.
Marvel Rivals is available now on PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X|S.