Dive into a refreshing sleep adventure with Suicune in Pokémon Sleep! Until September 16th, a special research event lets you study the sleep patterns of this legendary Water-type Pokémon.
This isn't a simple catch-and-release scenario. The key is collecting Suicune Mane samples. Accumulate enough, and you can exchange them for Suicune Incense and Suicune Biscuits – essential tools for understanding Suicune's slumber.
Enlist the help of other Water-type Pokémon to boost your sample collection. Explore Greengrass Isle, Cyan Beach, and Lapis Lakeside, strategically using allies like Squirtle, Wartortle, Golduck, Blastoise, Psyduck, Slowpoke, Vaporeon, Totodile, Slowbro, Feraligatr, Wooper, Croconaw, Slowking, Quaxly, Quaxwell, and Quagsire. These Pokémon will appear regardless of your sleep type during the event.
Focus your efforts on Greengrass Isle, Cyan Beach, and Lapis Lakeside. You might even spot the local Snorlax enjoying its new favorite snack: Oran Berries!
Bonus: Drowsy Power increases to 1.5x on the event's final day! Download Pokémon Sleep from the Google Play Store now and join the fun.
New to Pokémon Sleep? No problem! This sleep-tracking game rewards you for getting a good night's rest.
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