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Tarkov Wipe Unveils Festive Surprises

Author : Jack
Jan 19,2025

Tarkov Wipe Unveils Festive Surprises

Escape from Tarkov's wipe, originally slated for pre-New Year's, is finally confirmed! The delay, attributed to a simplified Kappa container quest, is over. Battlestate Games has announced the wipe will commence on December 26th at 7:00 AM GMT / 2:00 AM EST. Following maintenance (estimated 8 hours, though potentially longer), the game will update to version (Tarkov Arena to

To compensate for downtime, Battlestate Games will host a New Year's Special Twitch stream at 4:00 PM GMT / 11:00 AM EST. Details remain under wraps, but expect exciting new content.

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What's New in Update

Version confirms the full game release remains on hold, likely until 2025. However, significant updates are anticipated:

Firstly, a long-awaited transition to the Unity 2022 engine is expected. While initially planned for 2024, implementation may have been delayed.

Secondly, a complete overhaul of the weapon recoil system is anticipated. This is a major gameplay change with potentially significant consequences.

New weapons, including the RPG-26, are rumored. The Customs map is also slated for a rework. Bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements are confirmed, though the engine upgrade might introduce new challenges. We'll have to wait and see.

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