Introducing Ocean Avenue, a captivating slice-of-life sports visual novel set in the vibrant city of San Vicente and its university. As Evan Conde, a new transfer student, you'll navigate friendships and romances with four new friends: Vic, Selma, Marcus, and Kenny. With immersive first-person gameplay, you have seven in-game days to choose your romantic path. Will you pursue Marcus and Kenny, or Vic and Selma? Uncover the secrets binding this group together. Download Ocean Avenue now for an unforgettable adventure!
App Features:
- Engaging Slice-of-Life Story: Ocean Avenue delivers a captivating slice-of-life sports story, immersing you in San Vicente and its university. Follow Evan Conde as he makes friends and unravels their shared secrets.
- First-Person Perspective: Experience the story through Evan's eyes, navigating his interactions and uncovering the depth of his friendships. Your choices shape the narrative.
- Multiple Romantic Routes: Seven in-game days give you time to choose your path. Ocean Avenue offers two initial choices: Marcus and Kenny, or Vic and Selma. Pursue each pair together or focus on one.
- Interactive Decision-Making: Your choices impact relationships and outcomes. Explore different paths and unique storylines.
- Exclusive Patron Access: Patrons receive each release seven days early. Support development and enjoy early access to new content.
- Community Engagement: Share your feedback via the comments section and Google Forms survey. Join Dirk's Discord server for discussions, announcements, and beta testing opportunities for Ocean Avenue.
Ocean Avenue is an immersive slice-of-life sports visual novel with an engaging narrative, first-person perspective, and interactive choices. Whether you enjoy romance, friendship, or sports, this app offers a captivating experience. Join Evan and his friends, uncover their secrets, and download Ocean Avenue now!