Dive into "Elevator to the Stars," a captivating Yuri/Sci-Fi kinetic novel! Join a cast of quirky characters on an unforgettable elevator journey to space. This approximately 9,000-word story follows Bea, a hard-working secretary, as her life takes an unexpected turn aboard a space elevator, leading to romance and adventure. Created by D. Lott & Quinlan Stewart, with stunning art by Fyretamer/Quinlan Stewart, this 13+ rated novel offers a unique and entertaining experience. Download "Elevator to the Stars" today!
App Features:
- Unique Sci-Fi Narrative: Experience a fresh, science fiction story centered around a group of eccentric individuals on an extraordinary elevator ride.
- Yuri Romance Element: Enjoy a heartwarming yuri romance as Bea connects with a charming and unique character.
- Memorable Characters: Relatable and well-developed characters will draw you into the story.
- Effortless Reading: The kinetic novel format ensures a smooth and engaging reading experience.
- Stunning Visuals: Beautiful artwork by Fyretamer/Quinlan Stewart brings the characters and setting to life.
- Suitable for a Wide Audience: Rated 13+, this novel offers a wholesome and enjoyable experience for teens and adults.
Embark on an exciting journey with Bea! Experience a captivating Yuri romance interwoven with a unique sci-fi adventure, filled with quirky characters and unexpected twists. With its engaging plot, relatable characters, easy-to-read format, stunning art, and broad appeal, "Elevator to the Stars" is a must-have for anyone seeking an entertaining and visually rich read. Download now and begin your ascent!