The Witch in the Forest (TWITF) is a charming and heartwarming visual novel that follows the story of Fidelia, a shy and socially awkward girl who discovers Jastiline's house in the woods and forms an unlikely friendship. Immerse yourself in this captivating 12,000+ word NVL/ADV-style kinetic novel as Fidelia and Jastiline embark on a delightful journey, preparing for their favorite holiday, Halloween! Created in just 20 days for the Yuri Game Jam 2017, TWITF is a must-play for fans of enchanting storytelling and captivating characters. Download now and experience the magic of TWITF!
Features of The Witch in the Forest (TWITF):
- Engaging storyline: Follow the journey of Fidelia, an introverted girl, as she befriends Jastiline and embarks on a heartwarming adventure in preparation for Halloween.
- Unique characters: Get to know Fidelia and Jastiline, two distinct personalities who will captivate you with their quirks and charm throughout the kinetic novel.
- Beautiful visuals: Immerse yourself in a visually stunning world with captivating illustrations that bring the story and characters to life.
- Atmospheric sound design: Experience the enchanting atmosphere of the forest and the characters' emotions through carefully crafted sound effects and music.
- Easy-to-read format: Enjoy the novel's NVL/ADV-style format, which ensures a smooth and effortless reading experience for users of all ages.
- Short and sweet: With a word count of over 12,000, TWITF offers a concise and enjoyable reading experience that can be completed in a short amount of time.
Join Fidelia and Jastiline in The Witch in the Forest, a visually stunning and heartwarming kinetic novel. Immerse yourself in their captivating journey as they prepare for Halloween, and get to know these unique characters through a beautifully crafted storyline. With its easy-to-read format and atmospheric sound design, TWITF promises an engaging and enjoyable experience for users of all ages. Don't miss out on this enchanting adventure - click to download now!