Koei Tecmo's latest offering, Three Kingdoms Heroes, brings a fresh take to the beloved Three Kingdoms franchise. This mobile game blends chess and shogi mechanics, allowing players to command historical figures with unique abilities in strategic turn-based battles.
However, the true highlight is the innovative GARYU AI. Developed by HEROZ, the same team behind the world-champion shogi AI, dlshogi, GARYU promises an unprecedented level of challenge. Its adaptive nature creates a dynamic and lifelike opponent, pushing players to their strategic limits. The game's familiar art style and epic storytelling will appeal to longtime fans, while the unique gameplay mechanics make it an enticing entry point for newcomers.
The GARYU AI, a key differentiator, is particularly noteworthy. While AI boasts are often overblown, HEROZ's track record with dlshogi, which dominated the World Shogi Championships for two years, speaks volumes. While comparisons to Deep Blue and similar chess AIs naturally invite scrutiny, the prospect of facing such a sophisticated opponent in a game centered around strategic maneuvering is undeniably appealing. Three Kingdoms Heroes launches on January 25th.