NieR: Automata offers more than just android-machine warfare. Explore a less violent side with fishing, a completely optional activity that can yield surprising rewards. While it won't boost your combat level, fishing provides a safe and efficient way to earn quick cash and acquire rare items without the resource expenditure of combat.
Fishing is straightforward. Simply stand still in any body of water (even shallow water works!), and a fishing prompt will appear above your character. Press and hold the designated button to cast your Pod:
Once cast, wait for your Pod to be fully submerged with an audible "plop." Quickly press the same button again to reel in your catch. React swiftly; otherwise, the fish escapes. You can cast and recast endlessly. A helpful plug-in chip displays a fishing icon in the top right corner when you're near fishable water.
Most fish and junk items obtained through fishing are valuable commodities. Selling your catches is a safe and fast method for early-game wealth accumulation, particularly useful for upgrading your plug-in chip capacity. Fishing in sewers offers a chance to acquire the Iron Pipe, a potentially powerful weapon depending on your luck.