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Attack on Titan: Revamped Gameplay with Update 3

Author : Daniel
Mar 14,2025

Attack on Titan Revolution Update 3 delivers a significant boost to the Roblox experience, focusing on quality-of-life improvements, balance adjustments, and bug fixes. The 3.0 update, detailed in the patch notes below, introduces a new Winter Tokens event, expands the Armored Titan raid with additional auras, and integrates Roblox chat into the main 2D lobby. While lacking a single game-changing feature, the numerous smaller enhancements contribute to a smoother, more polished gameplay experience.

Attack on Titan Revolution Update 3 Lays Foundation for the Future With Bug and Balance Fixes.
Notable bug fixes address unusual Titan behavior, such as T-posing after building impacts and failure to attack players directly beneath them. Several skill-related bugs affecting Charge and Founder’s Will have also been resolved. Extensive Thunderspear adjustments aim to fine-tune its effectiveness.

Update 3 tackles numerous long-standing issues, though new content additions are relatively minor. This foundational patch follows closely on the heels of the substantial 2.5 update, which included the Armored Titan Raid and the Thunderspears. Future updates promise more exciting content. For a complete list of active codes, please visit [here].

Attack on Titan Revolution Update 3 Patch Notes

2x Winter Tokens Event

Quality of Life Improvements:

  • Roblox chat is now accessible in the town's central 2D lobby.
  • Added impact frames and sound effects to the "Founder's Vengeance" skill.
  • Two new auras added to the "Armored Titan" raid ("Abyssion" - Epic / "Digital Fracture" - Legendary).
  • New refill icon implemented.
  • Optimized workspace streaming properties for improved performance on lower-end devices.
  • Map lighting changed from "Future" to "ShadowMap" for better performance on lower-end devices.
  • "Gameplay Paused" notification disabled.
  • "Armored Titan Raid" cosmetic drops (Marleyan Patch, Young Reiner's Attire) are now sellable for gems.
  • Grammar in the streak message corrected.

Revamped Cutscene Handler:

  • General fixes implemented; all starting cutscenes are now synchronized.
  • Cutscenes are automatically skipped if loaded after another player has already loaded them.
  • Skip button added.

Thunderspear Questline Framework Changes:

  • Fixed boxes not being removed after shifting/ejecting.
  • Fixed continuously recurring supply objective after completion.
  • Retrieving a box now only grants +1 quest progress to the individual player.
  • Boxes in the supply mission now spawn in random locations.
  • Questline no longer initiates in missions unless the player is Prestige 1 or higher.
  • Fixed missing cart on the convoy horse for the outskirts spears quest.

Balance Adjustments:

  • Boss Titan raid damage buffed by 5.0% per difficulty.
  • "Oddball" modifier now increases objective damage.
  • "Duckers" Titan variation now only spawns in Hard+ difficulty.
  • "Ragers" Titan variation now only spawns in Severe+ difficulty.
  • "Leaders" Titan variation now only spawns in Aberrant difficulty.
  • "Emperor's Key" cost reduced from 3,499 Gems to 2,999 Gems.
  • "Battle Pass XP" gain increased upon mission completion.

Mission Adjustments:

  • Base chance of receiving a perk on Titan kill increased in each difficulty (now also affected by luck multiplier).
  • All perk rarity chances adjusted in each difficulty.
  • Difficulty drop chances (scrolls/serum) changed.
  • Luck multiplier formula revamped (uses cumulative frequency).
  • Objective mission end rewards adjusted (luck multiplier increased by 1.2x for gaining perks).

Raid Adjustments:

  • Item chances adjusted in each difficulty.
  • Fixed "Armored Serum" bypassing the maximum allowed serum cap.
  • Luck multiplier formula revamped (uses cumulative frequency).

Thunderspear Adjustments:

  • M1 falloff damage increased.
  • Detonation range nerfed by 5.0%.
  • Self-damage explosion radius range nerfed.
  • Refill count nerfed by 1 in missions and 3 in raids.

Reiss Family Buffs:

  • "Command" skill is now affected by "Tactician" memory and "Font of Inspiration" perk.

Fritz Family Buffs:

  • "Founder's Will" duration increased (10s > 20s - in shifter form, 15s > 20s).
  • "Founder's Will" skill is now affected by "Tactician" memory.
  • "Founder's Will" now also buffs Skill Cooldown Reduction, Injury Chance Reduction, Shifter M1 Speed, Swing Duration, and Blast Radius.
  • "Founder's Will" cooldown increased (45s > 90s).
  • "Founder's Vengeance" now grants +1 extra shift and maximum ODM/TS resources.
  • "Founder's Vengeance" now provides 13s of I-Frames after the revive animation.
  • "Furyforge" memory nerf reverted (0.3% > 0.4% DMG for every 1.0% of health lost).
  • "Maximum Firepower" perk buffed (All TS Stats increase by 5.0% > 7.5%).
  • "Everlasting Flame" perk changed (No longer increases "Swing Duration" for Blades, only affects "Blast Radius" for Spears).
  • "Explosive Fortune" perk added (Conservation Chance increases by 10.0% > 15.0%, 5.0% > 7.5% chance to regain 1 Spear per kill).

Armored Titan Shifter (VEVO) Adjustments:

  • Courage: Shield gain removed upon expiry instead of losing shield over time.
  • Charge: Deals tick damage similar to roar.
  • Earth Breaker: Cooldown (40 -> 35), Damage Base (30.5% > 100.0%), Damage Growth (5.5% > 10.0%).
  • Heavy Attack: Proper Area of Effect implemented.
  • Passive: Reworked similar to boxing mastery, scaling with Damage Reduction.
  • Phase Shift: Can now be toggled on and off when re-using the skill, Cooldown (99 -> 25).
  • Titan Toss: Miss Cooldown (6.5 -> 4), Stage 2 Cooldown (2 -> 1).

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Titans sometimes T-posing after hitting a building.
  • Fixed shifting damage not converting properly with spears equipped.
  • Fixed Thunderspears getting stuck on invisible hitboxes.
  • Fixed Thunderspears not killing Titans if the player dies.
  • Fixed Thunderspears sometimes missing Colossal Titans.
  • Dying to one's own Thunderspear while grabbed now causes the Titan to release.
  • Fixed "Founder's Will" skill breaking hooks/gas if used before proper loading.
  • Fixed "Flame Rhapsody" perk not applying maximum crit chance correctly.
  • Fixed un-interactable chest/reward screen after shifting/ejecting.
  • Fixed Female Titan's roar effect being permanently visible when shifting/ejecting on the Guard mission.
  • Fixed ability to fling the Escort mission objective by standing in front of the horse(s).
  • Fixed missing Blades/Spears buttons in the equipment screen on mobile devices.
  • Fixed Titans not attacking players standing directly beneath them.
  • Fixed hook assist sometimes breaking.
  • Fixed ability to double boost on mobile while refilling.
  • Fixed Shifter skills not hitting Titan napes correctly.
  • Fixed being flung when picking up a Titan.
  • Fixed follow rewards sometimes breaking the UI.
  • Fixed Gems not stacking correctly with "Gem Fiend" memory and "Fritz" family.
  • Fixed getting stuck in the air after using Thunderspear cutscene skills/"Chaos" skill.
  • Fixed visual representation of "Black Flash" perk from raid chests displaying as the aura cosmetic.
  • Fixed inability to use Thunderspear skills if a spear is fired before a cutscene.
  • Fixed hit inconsistencies with ODM/Shifter M1s based on hit speed.
  • Fixed "Charge" skill flinging the "Armored Titan" raid boss.
  • Fixed "Charge" skill getting stuck on random objects.
  • Fixed inability to kill Ice Burst Titans with the "Toss" skill.
  • Fixed clothing collision issues with avatars.
  • Fixed "Peerless Commander" perk.
  • Fixed losing streaks if the warning was on screen, the player shifted, and then disconnected/left the game.

Armored Raid Revamp:

  • Boss punches/skills can now damage objectives.

    • Phase 1: Defend 1 (Hard) / 2 (Severe) / 3 (Aberrant) boats to ensure their escape. Raid automatically fails if 1 (Hard) / 2 (Severe/Aberrant) boats are destroyed before reaching the finish line. The Armored Titan boss has "Armor" which can be penetrated to deal damage before Phase 2. "Armor" has 20.0% base DMG RESISTANCE, increasing to 50.0% depending on remaining armor. A soft cap prevents the "Armored Titan" from falling below 75.0% HEALTH.
    • Phase 2: The "Armored Titan" shifts, gaining increased speed and damage; any remaining shield is lost. Damage dealt to the shield in Phase 1 converts into a higher damage multiplier for the "Armored Titan" in Phase 2 (+1.0% damage per 2.0% shield lost). Defeat the boss while fighting waves of Titans.
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